how to fix rattan chair

Rattan chairs have long been cherished for their natural beauty and durability. However, over time, these beloved pieces of furniture can start showing signs of wear and tear. Instead of discarding your rattan chair, consider repairing it to restore its former glory. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of fixing rattan chairs, step by step.

Understanding Rattan Chairs

Rattan, a flexible and robust vine-like palm, is commonly used in furniture making due to its strength and versatility. Rattan chairs are popular for their intricate designs and lightweight nature, making them ideal for both indoor and outdoor use.

Common Issues with Rattan Chairs

Rattan chairs, like any other furniture, are prone to wear and tear. Loose strands, cracks, and squeaky joints are common problems that can affect the chair’s structural integrity and aesthetics. These issues, if left unattended, can worsen over time.

Assessing the Damage

Before diving into repairs, carefully assess the extent of the damage. Check for loose strands, cracks, and areas with squeaks. Understanding the scope of the problem will guide your repair process and help you gather the necessary tools and materials.

Gathering Necessary Tools and Materials

To fix a rattan chair, you will need a few tools and materials. These include clamps, wood glue, sandpaper, wax filler sticks, lubricants, and protective coatings. These items are readily available at hardware stores and online shops specializing in furniture repair supplies.

Repairing Loose Strands

Start by tightening loose rattan strands. Apply wood glue to the loose ends and carefully press them back into place. Use clamps to hold the strands in position until the glue dries completely. This will ensure a secure fix and prevent further unraveling.

Dealing with Cracks

For cracks in the rattan, use sandpaper to smooth the surface around the damaged area. Fill the crack with wax filler sticks that match the chair’s color. After the filler dries, sand the area again to achieve a seamless finish. Reinforce the repaired area by applying a thin layer of wood glue and letting it dry thoroughly.

Fixing Squeaky Joints

Squeaky joints in rattan chairs are often caused by friction between the moving parts. Apply lubricants like silicone spray or powdered graphite to the joints to reduce friction and eliminate squeaks. Tighten any loose joints using appropriate tools, ensuring the chair is stable and noise-free.

Restoring the Finish

To restore the chair’s finish, start by cleaning the surface thoroughly. Use a mild soap solution and a soft brush to remove dirt and grime. After cleaning, sand the chair gently to prepare it for a new finish. Apply a suitable protective coating, such as varnish or lacquer, to enhance the chair’s natural beauty and protect it from future damage.

Preventing Future Damage

Regular maintenance is key to preventing future issues with your rattan chair. Keep the chair clean by dusting it regularly and wiping spills immediately. Avoid exposing the chair to direct sunlight for prolonged periods, as it can cause the rattan to become brittle. Additionally, use cushions and pads to distribute weight evenly and reduce stress on the rattan strands.

DIY vs. Professional Repairs

While minor repairs can be tackled as DIY projects, complex or extensive damages may require professional intervention. A skilled furniture repair specialist can assess the chair thoroughly and perform intricate repairs, ensuring the chair’s longevity and structural integrity.

Creative Rattan Chair Upcycling Ideas

If your rattan chair is beyond repair, consider upcycling its parts for creative DIY projects. Use the rattan strands to weave decorative baskets or wall art. Repurpose the chair’s frame into a unique plant stand or a stylish headboard for your bed. By upcycling, you not only reduce waste but also give your old chair a new purpose.

Tips for Maintaining Rattan Chairs

To maintain your repaired rattan chair, inspect it regularly for any signs of wear. Address minor issues promptly to prevent them from escalating into major damages. Clean the chair gently, avoiding harsh chemicals that can damage the rattan. With proper care, your rattan chair will continue to enhance your space for years to come.


Fixing a rattan chair is a rewarding endeavor that not only saves you money but also preserves a cherished piece of furniture. By understanding the common issues, assessing the damage, and following the appropriate repair techniques, you can breathe new life into your rattan chair. Remember to invest in regular maintenance and explore creative upcycling ideas to make the most out of your repaired or repurposed rattan furniture. Enjoy the satisfaction of sitting in a beautifully restored chair, knowing that you’ve given it a second chance to shine in your home.
